Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Obamacare Generation : The ACA depends on Millennials picking up the tab — as they already are for other entitlements — in the midst of a bad economy.

The National Review reports:
young people will largely pay for it over the next half-century. Early marriage and child-raising, a nice house, two cars, and pay-as-you-go college for the kids are all becoming a fantasy of a bygone generation.

Professors talked mellifluously about trendy green issues, gay rights, and abortion without ever explaining that those lectures came at high financial costs. “Hope and change” benevolent government sounded great to the young and idealistic. What was left out was that a captivated cohort was taken for granted and thereby seen as an easy mark to pay for it.

In short, young people have been had.
Another great one from Victor Davis Hanson.