Thursday, December 05, 2013

Congress Unlikely to Pass Permanent 'Doc-Fix' in 2013

The National Journal reports:
Despite bipartisan support, Congress is unlikely to pass a permanent "doc-fix" by the end of the year, according to an official in the House Ways and Means Committee. But lawmakers need to get a patch in place soon to prevent a 20 percent cut to physicians' pay on Jan. 1.

While the goal within Congress is still a long-term fix, the official said, the reality is that the House will meet for four more days before adjourning until next year.

Just before the Thanksgiving holiday, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services unveiled a 20 percent cut to 2014 doctor's payments for Medicare services.

While the cut—and the time Congress has left to stop it—seems ominous, the likelihood of it happening is small. It's a dance Congress does each year after CMS announces the cut, which a 1997 law required in order to keep federal spending in check with federal income.
The struggles of socialized medicine.