Tuesday, September 03, 2013

These young SF professionals choose to live in RVs

The San Francisco Chronicle reports on hipsters in Blue America:
Tynan Smith, a 32-year-old tech entrepreneur, lives in what he considers his dream Castro district apartment. He's got marble counters, hardwood floors, a cedar closet and gold leaf ceiling. He doesn't have a roommate. And at $500 a month, you can't beat the rent.

The hitch is something he thinks is hardly a hitch: His apartment is a 1996 Winnebago. The rent is for a parking spot and a bit of electricity.

"With the RV, I have a good excuse to design everything really efficiently. If I had a house, would I really put in marble counters? But here it's like 2 feet by 2 feet, so I do," he said, drinking ginger tea he'd bought at the Samovar Tea Lounge nearby. "And then there's the way it makes my life more efficient, more thoughtful."
The great moments of Blue America.