Saturday, February 16, 2013

NYT Helps Obama Promote Minimum Wage Increase-Obama Operative With Byline ANNIE LOWREY(Ezra Klein's Wife) Uses Job at NYT to Help Promote Economic Illiteracy

She's Ezra Klein's wife. She's an Obama operative with a byline at the New York Times. Annie Lowrey promotes raising the minimum wage for the Obama regime:
Concern for the declining wages of working Americans and persistent high levels of inequality featured heavily in President Obama’s State of the Union address this week. He proposed raising the federal minimum wage to $9 from $7.25 as one way to ameliorate the trend, a proposal that might lift the earnings of 15 million low-income workers by the end of 2015.
What many at the NYT don't understand is: the demand for labor is a downward sloping curve. How many reporters at the New York Times have taken a class in economics in college or high school?