Thursday, August 02, 2012

Obama Brings "Middle Class'' Tour to Nation's Richest County

The National Journal reports:
President Obama brings his "middle class tax relief'' tour Thursday to Leesburg, VA., -- which sits in the richest county in the country.

Loudon County's official web site notes its median income of $119,540 is "#1 ranked in the USA.'' This sleepy dairy farmland turned affluent Washington exurb and host to major government contractors is also one of the nation's fastest growing. Unemployment is a mere 3.9 percent.

So it's a safe bet that Obama's to raise taxes on wealthy households to ease the burden on middle-class families would actually hike taxes for many Loudon County households. The president may not tweak his us vs. them message, however, because virtually everyone thinks of themselves as middle-class, noted Virginia Tech professor Bob Denton.