Sunday, August 05, 2012

Blue State Utopia: Four Hetersexual Men, Sharing Rent, and Friendship, For 18 Years

The New York Times reports:
What if you had never settled down? Never taken that job for the health insurance, or decided to start a family? For New Yorkers of a certain age, those are the middle-of-the night questions, the nagging thoughts that occur as they squeeze themselves onto the packed No. 1 train for another day at the office, ignoring that unfinished screenplay or latent desire to chuck everything and live in an ashram.

New Yorkers in midlife crisis, meet the brotherhood of Fortress Astoria: Danaher Dempsey, Luke Crane, Rick Brown and Shyaporn Theerakulstit, best friends and artists.

They have no children, no linear career histories, no readily disposable savings. The four men, all heterosexual, approaching 40 and never married, have lived together for 18 years, give or take a revolving guest roommate, cohabitating in spaces like an East Village walk-up, a Chelsea loft and, now, a converted office space in Queens.
The great moments of Blue America. Yet, the establishment will tell you the Republican party has a demographic problem in the near future! These must be the guys Nancy Pelosi was talking about during the ObamaCare debate.