The Nation’s John Nichols is often so sunny on TV and in print that he can seem out of touch, but he told me in February 2011 – during the occupation of the Capitol – that Walker would likely survive a recall. He understood the shift in the power dynamic here. The unions were punched in the gut by Act 10, and they had a series of poor choices, which they bungled in their own right. This may have been a wake-up call to the left, but that should have happened the moment that Walker stripped workers of their collective bargaining rights. And if conservatives are smart – and on this stuff, they are – it will be just the beginning. Indiana went right-to-work this year. Wisconsin’s rollbacks on worker power have been cemented. Every other state currently led by conservatives will be next.Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Walker’s Victory in Recall a Continuing Blow to Labor
David Dayen in Firedoglake reports: