Saturday, June 30, 2012

SCOTUS Ruling Means Bigger, More Intrusive IRS

Fox Business News reports on the IRS new powers from ObamaCare. Here's what you have to tell the IRS:
*Insurance plan information, including who is covered under the plan and the dates of coverage;
*The costs of your family’s health insurance plans;
*Whether a taxpayer had an offer of employer-sponsored health insurance;
*The cost of employer-sponsored insurance;
*Whether a taxpayer received a premium tax credit; and
*Whether a taxpayer has an exemption from the individual responsibility requirement.

How bad is it:
The IRS now gets to know about a small business's entire payroll, the level of their insurance coverage -- and it gets to know the income of not just the primary breadwinner in your house, but your entire family’s income, in order to assess/collect the mandated tax.

Big brother is watching! You are have no more privacy. You are a slave.