Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Illinois Not Ready For Reform: Chicago Tribune Columnist John Kass Attacks One Party Rule

The Chicago Tribune reports:
The debate in Wisconsin was about ideas. You might agree or disagree, but it was a wonderful battle of ideas. There are no ideas in Illinois. A state run by political bosses isn't about ideas. What matters here is who gets what, as decided by Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, boss of the Democrats and boss of Illinois.

Wisconsin had a recall election for its governor on Tuesday. But our governor doesn't run things here. Boss Madigan runs things, enriching himself through his law practice, controlling the Legislature that passes laws that benefit his private law clients, corporations, banks and real estate interests, while raising political money and sending armies of political workers to hammer legislators into line.

After reading the three-part investigative series in the Chicago Tribune that exposed how he operates, it became clear. It's a political protection racket.

Madigan didn't want to be interviewed by reporters David Kidwell and John Chase. But he did release a statement.

"The overall approach looks more like garbage from the two garbage haulers who work for a bankrupt company," Madigan said.

Arrogance fits him, doesn't it? It fits him the way that black cloak fit Emperor Palpatine in the old "Star Wars" movies.
A John Kass classic.