The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
In a rebuke to Gov. Pat Quinn, the Illinois Senate on Thursday rejected a Nation of Islam follower whose website advocates black separatism for a third term on the state Human Rights Commission.
The Senate voted down public-access cable television personality Munir Muhammad for the $49,960-a-year post after Republicans condemned his group’s Web page, which warns against racial mixing and advocates a separate territory within the U.S. for the descendents of slaves, both ideologies advanced by Nation of Islam founder Elijah Muhammad.
There's more:
Muhammad, of South Holland, hosts two talk shows, “Muhammad and Friends” and “The Munir Muhammad Show,” which air across the country. He has had a political who’s who on his programs.
Guests on his program have included Barack Obama when he was a U.S. senator from Illinois; Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.); former Mayor Richard M. Daley; Blagojevich, and Cardinal Francis George.
The story you will not be reading from the New York Times.