Monday, May 07, 2012

Chicago Machine Boss Explains His Legal Work With Clients Who Do Business With the City

WLS reports:
Story by 89 WLS reporter Bill Cameron

NEW YORK (WLS) - Here at City Hall, Alderman Ed Burke has reported on his annual ethics statement that he does legal work as a private lawyer for 41 companies that do business with the city.

Cameron: Why are you such a popular guy?
Burke: Because I'm a very good lawyer.
Cameron: Are you really? Do you think they are purchasing your influence?
Burke: No.
Cameron: Why not?
Burke: We've done business with these clients, in some cases, for 25 or 30 years. As I said before many times, I don't represent them with the City of Chicago.
In no way, shape, or form.
For more on the man who runs Chicago from behind the scenes click on this.