Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Obama administration may soon require all Federal contractors hire 7% disabled workers

Human Events reports:
Good intentions rarely make for good economic policy. Case in point: In December, the Labor Department proposed expanding the government's affirmative action program for federal contractors (a category that includes nearly all of the nation’s largest corporations) to include new obligations in hiring disabled workers.

Once, and if, the proposed rules goes into effect, companies with federal contracts will be asked to have a workforce compromised of at least seven percent of people with disabilities – in addition to two percent with severe disabilities. A Labor Department spokesperson tells Human Events that these numbers are merely "aspirational" -- "goals, not quotas" – and that Washington simply wants "to make sure that companies are making an effort to meet those goals."
Diabetics count towards those 7%. Soon your employer may want you to put on the pounds and get diabetes to help get that federal contract.