Today, lakefront liberals cling to urban visions in which suburbs (and the folks living in them) are the enemies. They dream of crisscrossing networks of bike paths; electric cars for those that can't be induced or forced to ride mass transit, and strict government control of land use, a la Portland, Ore. High-speed rail and permanently separating Lake Michigan and the Illinois Waterway to keep Asian carp out of the Great Lakes are their outrageously costly and unworkable causes de jour.An article well worth your time.
Obama's governance fits the mold perfectly: Obama and the like, knowing better than the rest of Americans, have imposed rules that everyone must buy health insurance (preferably through government combines) and panels of government "experts" that decide who is eligible for what medical reimbursements. Regulating carbon dioxide as if it were a pollutant (thereby making a human a polluter) and economy-stunting carbon caps are high on the list of must-dos. For every societal problem the solution is more money. And you get out of crushing debt by borrowing gobs more.
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Nationalizing 'The Chicago Way'
Chicago Tribune columnist Dennis Byrne explains: