Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Is The United States Population Heading to Long-term Deceleration?

New Geography reports:
It's been clear since the census 2011 estimates were released on December 21, 2011, that we are experiencing something of a demographic change, at least in the short run. Clearly growth is slowing down in part, many believe, due to economic reasons, as was the case during the 1930s as well as the 1970s.

But there may be a series of other of causes of recent population change which suggest it is quite possible the United States population is simply heading towards zero population far growth quicker than the Census had previously estimated. One key reason may be the slowdown in immigration. Whatever the cause, if these patterns are not reversed, we could start observing European like slow rates of population growth spreading in the next couple of decades.
An article well worth your time.