Sunday, January 15, 2012

(Video) The Evil of Public Education : The War on Children

Karen DeCoster reports:
Here is a brilliant documentary on the horrors of public school prisons in America, where children are subjected to monitoring, authoritarian supervision, arbitrary rules, conformity, coerced abstinence, zero tolerance insanity, irrational fears, invasion of privacy, prison-like security, mind-controlling drugs, and the police state. I highly recommend this - it is a stunning capture of how the federal public school system has become a security garrison with satellite detainment facilities. I especially like the part (in Part II) where the filmmaker visually shows how so many of the public schools look exactly like prisons. Some of the footage you will see is staggering, and some of the interviews with public school bureaucrats are remarkably creepy.
You'll want to watch this one. Public education really is a bad idea. Do you want public pretzel factories?