The Chicago Tribune reports:
Mayor Rahm Emanuel declined to say Wednesday whether he will continue the practice of allowing public employees to work full time for a private charity founded by former Chicago first lady Maggie Daley — one of several revelations about City Hall's cozy relationship with the group revealed in an inspector general's report.
There's more:
Three city employees were assigned to work for After School Matters, although one left in June, according to the mayor's office. One of those city workers managed and oversaw the organization's grant writing and fundraising activities, according to the inspector general's office.
Since 2004, the city has given After School Matters more than $54 million, according to the city's website. Just days before Emanuel took office, the Daley administration awarded the nonprofit a one-year, nearly $6.5 million contract to oversee summer jobs efforts and after-school programs.
The group is housed in city offices near the Cultural Center, where it pays no rent and uses city computers and phones. The City Council approved such arrangements in 1998 for five nonprofit organizations that supported the department's mission, according to the mayor's office.
Just a reminder, Obama's jobs plan is designed to bailout Chicago's corruption.