Thursday, August 04, 2011

Progressive Warns:Rick Perry Is Electable Enough

Influential progressive Matt Yglesias warns leftists everywhere about Rick Perry:
I’m very open to the argument that someone like a Michele Bachmann, who clearly lacks the basic resume of an ordinary major party presidential candidate, might prove to be a serious outlier who overturns everything we think we know about Presidential politics. But Perry is the long-time governor of America’s second-largest state. He’s exactly the sort of person who wins presidential elections. If the economy recovers in 2012 and Obama’s policies look vindicated, Perry will of course lose. But if we double dip, then why shouldn’t Perry win? And is that really so implausible at this point? Given the plunge in the stock market and the clear contraction in fiscal policy, unless we get some forceful central bank action we seem pretty likely heading in that direction.
What Matt Yglesias is trying to remind everyone that when Republicans nominate southern or western Governors: they have a good shot of winning.