Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Pelosi: My Deficit Committee Members Will Oppose All Entitlement Benefit Cuts

TPM reports:
At a pre-recess press conference Tuesday afternoon, TPM asked House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) whether the people she appoints to the committee will make the same stand she made during the debt limit fight -- that entitlement benefits -- as opposed to provider payments, waste and other Medicare spending -- should be off limits.

In short, yes.

"That is a priority for us," Pelosi said. "But let me say it is more than a priority - it is a value... it's an ethic for the American people. It is one that all of the members of our caucus share. So that I know that whoever's at that table will be someone who will fight to protect those benefits."
Because Nancy Pelosi thinks Warren Buffett should be eligible to get a Social Security check!