Sunday, July 31, 2011

Slate Flashback 2004: Government By Skull and Bones

Flashback 2004 to Slate:
It was a simple matter for Chatterbox to Google the 15 names in President Bush's class of 1968. He discovered that Bush has bestowed presidential appointments on three of these 15, or fully 20 percent of his Bones classmates. If you include Bush, 27 percent of the Bones members from Yale's class of 1968 have received some presidential position through appointment or elec—er, Supreme Court decision. That's quite a yield. And remember—we're only talking about Bonesmen in Dubya's graduating class. There are surely Bonesmen from other Yale classes who've also played a role in government during the past three years.
Is Senator Kerry more loyal to the U.S. Constitution or Skull and Bones?