Friday, July 29, 2011

Flashback: The Charmed Life of Jennifer Burke , Daughter of the Illinois' Most Important Power Couple

Ill. Governor Quinn is in the news for his nepotism. Quinn has hired Jennifer Burke, daughter of Chicago Mob linked Alderman Ed Burke. Quinn is in hock big time to Alderman Burke. But, it's time for a flashback. It 's time to look once again at the charmed life of Jennifer Burke. Here's a revealing quote from a 1997 Chicago Sun-Times article:
Ald. Edward M. Burke (14th), whose decisions on hiring lawyers in the City Council ward remap case have funneled $7.5 million in city fees to the prominent Jenner and Block law firm, holds co-counsel status with that firm in two recent lawsuits, court records show. Burke’s links with the firm do not appear to violate any laws or regulations…

Managing partner Jerold Solovy – who is the lead attorney in the remap case – was treasurer of the unopposed 1996 campaign for Illinois Appellate Court justice of Anne Burke, the alderman’s wife. And prominent [Jenner and Block] partner John Simon served as her campaign chairman. The firm provided $14,414.15 in services and money to the campaign.

The firm hired Burke’s daughter Jennifer A. Burke in June, 1995, shortly after she graduated 173rd in a class of 385 from Chicago Kent College of Law. In making new hires, the firm usually draws top students from the nation’s leading law schools. Two weeks ago, Burke, whose name has been linked to the federal investigation of ghost payrolling at City Hall, hired Jenner and Block partner and former U.S. Attorney Anton Valukas to represent him in that inquiry.
Imagine that.