The regulator for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sued UBS AG to recover more than $900 million of losses after the Swiss bank misled the housing agencies into buying $4.5 billion of risky mortgage debt.When are Fannie and Freddie going to be sued for being the long term fraud they are?
In announcing Wednesday's lawsuit, the U.S. Federal Housing Finance Agency said it also plans more lawsuits to recover additional losses by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from investments in private-label debt.
Last July, the FHFA issued 64 subpoenas to banks, seeking details about subprime and other mortgage debt that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bought when the housing market was healthy.
The UBS case is part of a push by Washington to hold banks responsible for the nation's housing problems. It is also the latest effort to prop up the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), whose September 2008 federal seizure has so far cost taxpayers more than $135 billion.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Fannie/Freddie regulator sues UBS on $900 million loss
Reuters reports: