Sunday, July 24, 2011

Failure to reach a 'grand bargain' on debt makes 2012 harder for Obama

McClatchy reports:
the apparent failure of Obama and congressional leaders to reach a big deal likely means the stage is largely set for the pivotal 2012 elections. The two major parties are unable to agree on how much government people want and who should pay for it. Voters — who went for Obama and the Democrats in 2008 and for the Republicans in 2010 — will have to decide between two rival visions of government.

For Obama, who as the incumbent will be the centerpiece of the campaign, the big deal was something he came to cherish after first ignoring it.

In his budget proposal last February, Obama all but ignored pressure to propose deep cuts in government's looming deficits. His plan would have produced deficits totaling $8.5 trillion over 10 years.

Chicago Public school math, by a Chicago politician.