Monday, June 13, 2011

British fear 'American-style' healthcare system

The L.A. Times reports:
As leaders debate ways to reform healthcare, politicians repeatedly tell a worried public that Britain will not turn the National Health Service into an 'American-style' private system.
Many in England happily "accept" this lack of consumer choice:
When Linda O’Boyle, 64, was diagnosed with cancer, she decided to pay for additional, private treatment out of pocket, hoping to prolong her life. O’Boyle was told that a medication not provided by NHS would increase her chances of fighting the disease. After deciding to use her savings to pay for these outside medications, NHS withdrew their services, including chemotherapy because current government laws ban a patient from combining public and private healthcare. O’Boyle passed away March 26, 2008.

“NHS scandal: dying cancer victim was forced to pay” The Sunday Times (June 1, 2008)
“Woman dies after fight for dual cancer care,” The Guardian (June 2, 2008)
“Cancer patient Linda O’Boyle dies after NHS ends free care over ‘top up’” The Telegraph, By Richard Alleyne (February 6, 2008)’Boyle-dies-after-NHS…

Death by government.