Thursday, March 31, 2011

They Don't Need A Girlfriend on Campus to Have Sex: The Numbers Favor Men

USA Today reports:
It wasn't until the second semester of her senior year at Fordham University in New York that Kathleen Adams had a college boyfriend.

"You just don't date at colleges," says Adams, 23, now a Fordham graduate student in urban studies.

But there's no shortage of casual sex on campus, she says — in part because Fordham, like many colleges, has significantly more women than men. Adams says that means guys have the upper hand when it comes to intimacy.

"It's kind of like a competition," she says. "The guys have their choice of whoever they want. So they think, 'Why would I date?' "
How many women entering college thought paying $28,000 a year would bring them a de facto women's college?