Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lehman Probe Stalls; Chance of No Charges

The Wall Street Journal reports:
The U.S. government's investigation into the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. has hit daunting hurdles that could result in no civil or criminal charges ever being filed against the company's former executives, people familiar with the situation said.

In recent months, Securities and Exchange Commission officials have grown increasingly doubtful they can prove that Lehman violated U.S. laws by using an accounting maneuver to move as much as $50 billion in assets off its balance sheet, which made it appear that the securities firm had reduced its debt levels.
Who could forget that Lehman CEO Richard Fuld gave heavily to Democrats:
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Fuld has donated to Democratic candidates over Republican candidates by a margin of almost 5-to-1 in the last 15 years. He has given $106,400 to Democratic candidates and political action committees (PACs), and just $22,800 to Republican candidates and PACS dating back to 1993.
Eric Holder and the Democrat party seem to be on the side of the investment bankers.