A number of Wisconsin Democrats are hiding out in Chicago, making a stand against a Republican plan to balance the state budget by cutting the pay, benefits and collective bargaining rights of public workers.Gov. Quinn calls raising the Illinois' state income tax 67% "working together". Wisconsin Democrats: hiding out in Chicago's good, old First Ward.
That’s fine with the Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn. He says the Wisconsin Democrats are welcome to stay here until Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, in Quinn’s words, “comes to his senses.”
There were rumors a group of senators were holed up in McCormick Place, site of the Chicago Auto Show, holding strategy meetings. The have said they may stay away for weeks if necessary.
“We welcome them to the Chicago Auto Show,” said Quinn, who was touring the show on Friday.
“In Illinois, we always believed in working together as a team and not kicking somebody in the shins,” Quinn added. Public employees, like teachers, “deserve some respect.”
Friday, February 18, 2011
Quinn Supports Wisconsin Senators Hiding In Illinois
CBS Chicago reports: