Friday, February 25, 2011

Chicago Machine's Top Boss Gets Death Threat : Man Arrested arrested for threatening to kill Alderman Ed Burke

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
Burke’s law

Sneed hears a 62-year-old South Side man has been arrested for threatening to kill Ald. Ed Burke (14th).

Timothy J. Hercog was charged with felony intimidation of a public official and is scheduled to appear in bond court today.

According to a police report, Hercog left three messages at Burke’s South Side office between Feb. 20 and Feb. 23. In one message, Hercog reportedly said he wanted to kill Burke; in another one he allegedly told the alderman he “better keep his bodyguards” and that he hopes
Rahm Emanuel takes them away. (Before he was elected, Emanuel said as mayor he would strip Burke of his controversial police bodyguards.) Authorities traced Hercog’s phone number to his home and he was taken into custody at the 2nd District police station.
No word yet on whether Timothy J. Hercog has ever been a campaign contributor to Alderman Ed Burke.