The real targets of the public employees' unions are the wealthy free riders who, in a fair political economy, would be giving back more to the nation, and to the states and communities they function in.Attention Republican Congressmen: it's time to tax universities. Why should wealthy Professor George Lakoff work at an institution that doesn't pay taxes?
That is the obvious half of what the Wisconsin protests are about. The other half concerns the rights of ordinary people in a democracy -- rights conservatives want to deny, whether gay rights, women's rights, immigrant rights, retirement rights, or the right to the best health a nation can provide to all its citizens. Unions, through their political contributions, support the basic freedoms, protections, and resources we all require to have a decent life and live in a civilized society. If those unions are destroyed, American life will become unrecognizable in a remarkably short time.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Berkeley Professor Calls Wealthy Free Riders
Cal-Berkeley Linguistics Professor George Lakoff takes to the Huffington Post to attack productive people: