Tuesday, February 08, 2011

As health care law rolls out, many insurers drop child-only policies

McClatchy reports:
As arguments about the constitutionality of health care reform reverberate through courtrooms in Florida and across the nation, two provisions that have already kicked in are sparking opposite reactions from insurers.

The requirement that children under 19 be granted insurance regardless of preexisting conditions has caused Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida and many other insurers to stop offering child-only coverage.

Insurers fear they will lose money because parents might sign up for coverage only when their children become sick. That is scheduled to change in 2014, when the law requires that virtually everyone have health insurance — a provision that a federal judge in Pensacola declared unconstitutional on Jan. 31.

Remember when Obama said to Bill O'Reilly the other night you can keep your health care plan if you want?