Thursday, January 06, 2011

Public Education Is Going Down

Gary North reports on the coming decline of public education:
The old model of the factory, with its rigid time schedule, is dying. The number of Americans employed in such environments is falling.

The educational system that was designed to supply highly conditioned workers to factories is now outmoded. That was what the system designed by public school educators was supposed to produce. The production system rolls on, but the programs no longer match reality. The content of education has been dumbed down: lowest common denominator. The brighter students get Advanced Placement courses: APs. But there are few high school courses that require a classroom any longer, except possibly for chemistry, with its labs. Not many students take chemistry.

We see a unionized system of education, which spends far too much on administration, facing budget cuts. The most feared sanction in any bureaucracy – budget cuts – now threatens school systems around the West. The parents are finally rebelling at the polls: no more bond issues, no more new schools being built, no more pay raises for teachers, and firing untenured teachers.
You'll want to read the whole article. Good riddance to the John Dewey "group" mindset.