Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Stink in El Segundo , CA Over Cadillac Salaries: Cops earn $175,000, firefighters $210,000, in a town with few criminals or fires

The L.A. Weekly reports:
The debate over skyrocketing government-worker salaries got nasty in El Segundo when a homeowner published the six-figure salaries flowing to the small town's cops and firefighters on his Gundo Blogger website — only to have a police captain track him down by phone at his UCLA job and chew him out.

The uneasy homeowner, David Burns, tells L.A. Weekly that Capt. Robert Turnbull "called me from his office to complain about my blog. ... He insisted on talking about it right now. I finally had to hang up on him."

Burns then sent Turnbull an e-mail explaining his policy of separating his blog from his job as manager of emergency preparedness at UCLA.

There's more:
78 percent of the town's 262 full-time employees will be handed more than $100,000 apiece in total compensation in the 2010-11 fiscal year.
You'll want to read the whole article. It appears some overpaid government workers want to limit the market in talking about overpaid government workers.