Friday, October 08, 2010

Obama grapples with implementing unpopular health law before Nov.

The Hill reports:
The Obama administration is grappling with implementing the unpopular health reform law in the weeks leading up to the midterm election.

Some regulations establishing the rules of the various pieces of the health overhaul passed by Congress have been issued, and others will be released in the years to come. But the threat of employers dropping their coverage because of the new law has emerged as a thorny political problem this fall.

The timing could not be worse for the administration as undecided voters are making up their minds on which congressional candidates to support on Nov. 2.

Republicans are hammering Democrats on what they call “Obamacare” while congressional Democrats, by and large, avoid the topic. A new poll by The Hill of 12 battleground districts in the House found that nearly one in four Democrats support a repeal of the health law.
Great moments in socialism.