Monday, October 18, 2010

Giannoulias 'offended and hurt' by Chicago Mob questions

The Southtown Star reports on Alexi Giannoulias' relationship with Chicago Mob figure Michael "Jaws" Giorango:
As we asked questions about Giorango, he turned the tables on us, saying he found the line of questioning "offensive and hurtful," as if we should feel ashamed for asking him to clarify how his family bank ended up as lender to felons.

The guy is running for U.S. Senate, one of the country's most powerful posts.

Giannoulias has admitted meeting with Giorango a few times at the bank, years ago, and inspecting one of Giorango's Miami hotels in 2006 as standard operating procedure when approving a loan on the property.

But that's about it.

On Thursday, he couldn't recollect a single detail about his visit to the hotel - a hotel which landed on Florida law enforcement's radar in 2002 after a nationwide prostitution sting.
Alex Giannoulias: the community banker that makes loans to mobsters several states away from the community.