Monday, October 11, 2010

Blogger Matt Yglesias Calls Ayn Rand's Ideas Ridiculous

Influential statist blogger Matt Yglesias attacks Ayn Rand:
the main way her intellectual influence works is as a writer who appeals to young people. I know very few people who are Randians today, but a great many people who loved Rand as a teenager and for whom she served as a “gateway drug” to the much more sophisticated arguments of Nozick, Hayek, Friedman, etc.

Anyone who’s sitting around as an adult and actually taking their political cues from Atlas Shrugged is being ridiculous
Matt Yglesias doesn't find the U.S. federal government owning stock in Citigroup, AIG, Fannie , and Freddie ridiculous. No word yet on whether Matt Yglesias thinks the federal government should own all companies in the S&P 500.