Without federal help, a lot of teachers like me -- as well as other public servants like police officers and firefighters -- will lose their jobs. Maybe you know some of these people. Maybe it's you.According to the public teachers unions, when you work for the government you are altruistic and consumed by self-interest. You levitate above society, while asking for a pension you can't get being a private school teacher.
Democrats in Congress are trying to do the right thing, proposing emergency assistance for states to preserve more than 100,000 jobs like mine. They're racing back to the Capitol for an emergency session this week to pass this bill and save these jobs.
But Republicans are standing in the way. Minority Leader John Boehner is calling the bill a "payoff" to "special interests" and attacking every Democrat who is fighting for us.
But I'm not a special interest. I'm a teacher.
Monday, August 09, 2010
Public School Teachers Send Out E-Mails Claiming They Aren't Special Interests
Hit and Run has this amazing e-mail from a teacher: