Thursday, August 26, 2010

IL-10: Democrat Candidate Seals Made $17,000 Last Year and Doesn't Live in District

The Chicago Tribune reports on Dan Seals the Democrat candidate for Illinois' 10th Congressional District:
Seals, 39, reported making $109,524 in 2005 when he was in a marketing position with GE's commercial mortgage unit. Last year, Seals made $10,020 from his work with the Civic Consulting Alliance and $7,000 from lecturing at Northwestern University.

The bulk of the family income came courtesy of Mia Seals' marketing job with Abbott Labs. The couple claimed $141,249 in combined income last year and live in Wilmette, a block outside the district, with their three young children.

Dan Seals says it has been a "sacrifice" to trade the money and security of a full-time job for a hectic life of campaigning that leaves little time for steady work.

"I'm committed to public service," Seals said. "I'm not doing this to get rich."

Dan Seals wants a big pay raise by going to work for the federal government.