Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Where Do Libertarians Belong? A Reason Debate

Reason has a debate on which party do libertarians belong.
For those who cherish the ideals of free minds and free markets, 21st century politics in the United States has not been a particularly welcoming place. The big-government conservatism of George W. Bush has been followed by the bigger- government liberalism of Barack Obama. The twin crises of 9/11 and the 2008 financial meltdown spawned the twin leviathans of national security hyperextension and the never-ending bailout. The nation’s political class has rallied around the economic ideas of John Maynard Keynes, and the country’s short-term financial picture only looks tenable when compared to the long-term fiscal nightmare that just about everyone agrees is coming.
Andrew Sullivan gives his take on the subject. Our view is libertarianism will not succeed on a grand scale until their ideology dominates both major political parties. The progressives got their statist legislation because they came to dominate both parties.