Saturday, July 17, 2010

U.S. group backpedals on 'Rethink Alberta' anti-oilsands campaign

Calgary Herald reports:
The Stelmach government and energy sector are claiming a rare public relations victory, after the group leading the "Rethink Alberta" campaign said its anti-oilsands ads contained inaccurate information.

Corporate Ethics International, the San Francisco-based environmental organization that launched a billboard and online campaign this week -- and urged Americans not to visit Alberta -- admitted its video overstated the size of the minable resource and potential environmental damage.

In a public relations war to win consumers' hearts and minds on the oilsands and environment, messaging on both victories and defeats is critical -- as was demonstrated Friday.

The group blamed the misinformation on an "editing error" in the video on its website, explaining the mistake was fixed, the video reposted and that the ad blitz will continue undeterred.