Sunday, July 04, 2010

Jesse Jackson wants Chicago Police Torture panel staffed at once

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
Flanked by men charging abuse at the hands of Chicago Police, the Rev. Jesse Jackson called on Gov. Quinn on Saturday to immediately appoint members to a torture commission enacted last year.

"Men who were beaten with telephone books until their ears rang, men who had torture upon their testicles, tortured until they bled," Jackson said during a news conference at Rainbow/PUSH headquarters. "We speak out about torture in Abu Ghraib, torture in Guantanamo, we should speak out about torture in Illinois. We want [the torture commission] to be fully functional in a matter of days."
Couldn't Jesse Jackson call on his fellow Democrats in Chicago's City Council to investigate their own police department? After all, its' their responsibility. Great moments in Blue America. No word yet from former Chief of Detectives William Hanhardt on this one.