Friday, June 04, 2010

No One to Listen at Greek Strike Briefing Search The Source

The Wall Street Journal reports:
In an age of rolling strikes by Greece’s many unions, its a full-time job just coordinating strike calendars. Even then it sometimes breaks down.

On Thursday, the country’s generally docile tourism workers’ union planned to officially announce strike plans for later this month — their first in ages. But somebody there overlooked the fact that Greece’s journalists union was striking on the same day, in a move likely to generate an empty press haul for the tourism union’s big moment. When nobody showed up, the news conference was canceled and rescheduled for Friday.

The tourism union, which goes by the acronym Poeeyte, is planning a four-hour work stoppage on June 16 and a one-day strike on June 30.
Yet, progressives tell us the United States needs to emulate Europe.