Thursday, May 27, 2010

Witness: Chicago Cop Burge put me through hell with shock treatment, suffocation

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
The 63-year-old man was candid about his youth, quickly offering up how he was a “wild’’ terror who lived up to his demonic nickname.

But Anthony Holmes, aka “Satan,’’ said he could not bear the hell he said he suffered at the hands of former Chicago Police Cmdr. Jon Burge nearly four decades ago.
There's more:
Holmes said Burge proceeded to shock him, placing electrical wires attached to handcuffs wrapped around his ankles. The wires snaked up to a little black box Burge allegedly cranked up while suffocating Holmes with two plastic bags over his head.

“I was thinking, ‘This ain’t real. But it was real,’ ’’ Holmes said, describing the burning sensation jolting through his body like a “thousand needles.
Would you feel good about a city like this where only the police can own a handgun?