Why do you think say, a Jewish restaurant owner, should be forced by the governent to serve a neo-Nazi wearing a swastika armband, who just finished marching in a “Hitler Was Right” parade down Main Street (legally protected by your buds at the ACLU, of course)? Shouldn’t he be free to just say “Get the hell off of my property, you scumbag”? Do you really think that forcing him to serve the Nazi, as the Civil Rights Act would do if enforced, is conducive to freedom? What would give the Nazi a “civil right” to agitate and hector the Jewish restaurant owner in this way?No word from FDIC subsidized Rachel Maddow on this one.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Does Rachel Maddow Think Jewish Owned Restaurants Should Be Forced to Serve Neo-Nazis?
Professor Thomas DiLorenzo has a few questions Rachel Maddow should ponder: