Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Are Chicago Democrats Racists For Stopping Wal-Mart Expansion in Chicago?

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
The Chicago Federation of Labor said today it would ask its City Council allies to reject Chicago’s second Wal-Mart after an unprecedented meeting between five Wal-Mart executives and five union leaders failed to produce follow-up talks.

Jorge Ramirez, the CFL’s secretary-treasurer, accused Wal-Mart of “going through the motions” when it sat down with organized labor on May 3 to hammer out an agreement that would avoid putting aldermen on the hot-seat.
There's more:
Local Ald. Anthony Beale (9th) was incensed by Ramirez threat to torpedo his pet project.

“It’s about the have’s and have-not’s. They’re saying they don’t care about the African-American community,” Beale said.

“We need jobs. We don’t have access to fresh produce. Neighborhoods that need service the most are gonna continue to be left out because they can’t get what they want.”
Is Chicago being run by racists?