Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Who are the Socialists in America?

We wrote this one for The American Thinker:
With the attempted socialist takeover of health care in progress, it's time to look at some prominent socialists in America. The United States Senate has its' first self-described socialist member in Bernie Sanders. The Vermont Senator is a good reference point for understanding how far socialism has become legitimized in American political life. Recently, Gallup came out with a poll in which 36% of Americans viewed socialism positively.

The mainstream liberal media has been quite shy at labeling modern day "liberals" and "progressives" as socialists because there's still a stigma with the label. To honest, patriotic Americans socialism means: long lines, shortages, corruption, and death by government. While Senator Sanders has embraced the socialist label, it time to look others who have taken the leap.
We hope you want to read this one.