the Giannoulias family is on the verge of having their troubled Broadway Bank taken over by federal regulators.Here's more.
On Wednesday, Berrios' puppetmaster, Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Lisa's Daddy, gave Giannoulias a verbal kick to the political private parts.
"I'm glad I don't have any deposits there," said Madigan, the Illinois Democratic Party chairman, referring to Broadway Bank.
Giannoulias' tenure there as a loan officer is continually under media fire, most recently in Tribune stories for giving millions in loans to Chicago Outfit types. That association sticks and festers.
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Chicago Mob Linked Giannoulias Slammed By Ill. Democratic Party Chairman: ""I'm glad I don't have any deposits there"
John Kass reports on Chicago Mob linked Alexi Giannoulias: