Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mass. Governor Pushes In State Tuition For Illegals

The Boston Herald reports:
Did you ever notice that on the Internet, when someone starts using all capital letters, you can safely assume that you are in the cyber-presence of a crank?

Meet Gov. Deval Patrick: crank.

But then, in his online chat with Herald readers, he was once again defending the indefensible - in-state (in effect, free) tuition for illegal aliens. Here’s what he said:

“I have advocated that aliens who were raised here and educated in our public schools - AND ARE IN THE PROCESS OF STRAIGHTENING OUT THEIR IMMIGRATION STATUS - should pay the same tuition as the kids they graduated from high schools with.”

This, of course, is the Big Lie - I’m tempted to say BIG LIE, but let’s keep this discussion calm. The moonbats claim that this latest giveaway would apply only to aliens who’ve been squatting here for a few years.

But that’s not what the bill says. Deval can use as many caps as he wants, but the actual bill makes no distinction between the long-term freeloaders and the ones who just forded the Rio Grande last week.
Imagine that.