Thursday, March 25, 2010

Health Law Surprise Is Page 1,617 Demanding Which Drugs Work

Bloomberg reports:
Page 1,617 of the 2,400-page law signed by President Barack Obama this week -- the most sweeping change to U.S. health-care in 45 years -- sparked little of the debate surrounding the expansion of coverage to 32 million Americans or its tax on employees’ “Cadillac” insurance plans.

Yet the 43-page measure tucked inside the bill may have a far greater effect on medical care.
A new fascist health care board is being set up to decide what's good for you:
The new legislation creates a nonprofit Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute and tasks it with setting a national agenda for the studies, as well as providing more money and disseminating results.

The institute will be run by a 19-member board of governors with three representatives of drug, device and diagnostic- testing companies as well as patient advocates, doctors and the National Institutes of Health. The U.S. Comptroller General, a presidential appointee, must name the board within six months.
We recommend to a future Republican Congress: don't fund the board. Funding controls everything.