Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Can ObamaCare Get Luis Gutierrez's Vote?

A jury is going to come to a verdict in another Chicago corruption trial dealing with bribery.The Chicago Tribune reports on an important fact in the case:
The Tribune in 2008 chronicled how Boender overrode the opposition of city planners to Galewood Yards after enlisting the support of Carothers and U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill. Gutierrez, who had just received a $200,000 loan from Boender for his own real estate investments, personally lobbied Daley.

Daley's name surfaced last week during the trial when a former city planning commissioner testified she attended a meeting with Boender, Gutierrez and Daley in the winter of 2004-05 at which Boender brought a model of his 50-acre project. Denise Casalino did not testify about what Gutierrez said during the meeting but indicated Daley had a short response. "He said, ‘Thank you.' That was about it," Casalino said.

The city's corporation counsel, Mara Georges, last week issued a statement in which she characterized Daley's meeting with Gutierrez and Boender as routine
Can Luis Gutierrez get a Tony Rezko kind of deal for his vote on ObamaCare?