Sunday, February 28, 2010

The New York Times Notices Planned Parenthood's Nefarious Beginnings

Illinois Review reports:
The documentary Maafa 21 continues to make headlines and draw attention to the eugenic roots of the notorious, yet taxpayer-funded, Planned Parenthood. Yesterday's New York Times surprisingly spotlighted the issue, writing that black leaders are pushing for the group's defunding
Here's the Times:
Still, enough threads of truth weave through the theory to make “Maafa 21,” the documentary whose name is a Swahili word used to refer to the slavery era, persuasive to some viewers, at least at a recent screening at Morris Brown College, a historically black institution in Atlanta.

“Before we saw the movie, I was pro-choice,” said Markita Eddy, a sophomore. But were she to get pregnant now, Ms. Eddy said, “it showed me that maybe I should want to keep my child no matter what my position was, just because of the conspiracy.”
Here's more on the subject.