Friday, February 26, 2010

Flashblack: Yale Economist Irving Fisher Explains the Eugenics Movement's Plan

Flashback to 1915, in which influential economist Irving Fisher and Eugene Lyman Fisk explain the racist plan to get rid of individual choice for those they and other elitists deem "unfit". Here's a few quotes from the eugenics section of their book titled How To Live:
But when we propose to restrict marriages or mating of those unfit to marry , people are apt to say, "That is a dream . It can't be done." But it can be done and it has been done.(page 320)
Here's another gem from Fisher:
Yet in the light of modern eugenics we could make a new human race in a hundred years if only people in positions of power and influence would wake up to the paramount importance of what eugenics means.And this could be done quietly and simply without violence to existing ideas of what is right and proper. It could be done by segregation of the sexes for defectives, feeble-minded, idiots, epileptics, insane, etc.By this kind of isolation we can save the blood-stream of our race from a tremendous amount of needless contamination. (pages 321 and 322)
Would the world be a better place if the members of Skull and Bones had respected the rights of individuals? Professor Fisher sums up the eugenics project pushed by the progressives:
To summarize: There three main lines along which eugenic improvement of the race may be attained:
(1)Education of all people on the inheritability of traits; (2) segregation of defectives so they might not mingle their family traits with those on sound lines; (3) sterilization of certain gross and defectives, to preclude the propagation of their type.
There would seem to be great need of State Eugenic Boards, to correlate and promote these activities, in the interests of future population, and to give expert advice as how to legislate wisely, and individual advice as how to mate wisely. The latter function now falls entirely upon the Eugenics Records Office at Cold Spring Harbor , where the work is being carried out with great efficiency with the funds at command.(pages 323 and 324)
Here's some information concerning the funding of the American eugenics movement. Where would the "progressive" movement's racist agenda have been without Rockefeller and Harriman money behind it?